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Youth Artist Divisions

Competition Details:

Each of the three (3) Youth Artist Competitions will take place in-person at the 2024 Spring Festival. There is no recorded round for these competitions. These competitions will be held on location TBA.

Time limits exclude any time between pieces or movements. The program should include pieces in a variety of diverse styles and periods. 

This may include single movements of works, sonatas, and unaccompanied pieces. It is not necessary to perform all movements of a single work. An individual movement of a work needs to be performed in its entirety, but cuts may be made in the accompaniment and repeats may be deleted. 

Accompanied pieces must be performed with the accompaniment.

  • The Youth Artist Competitions are open to students through and including 12th grade. 
  • Entry Fee: $50 (does not include SDFG Membership Fee, and is non-refundable*). 
  • All entrants must be members of the San Diego Flute Guild (may join with entry).
  • Previous 1st prize winners are not eligible to compete in the same division in following years. 
  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes and Honorable Mention(s) will be awarded per the judges’ discretion. There are no ties. Judges' decisions are final.

Click below to jump to specific competitions:

Youth Artist Senior

Youth Artist Junior

Youth Artist Elementary


Grade Level   Entry Fee  Competition Date  Registration Deadline
Youth Artist Senior  Through and including 12th Grade  $50  TBA   TBA
 Youth Artist Junior  Through and including 9th Grade  $50  TBA  TBA
 Youth Artist Elementary  Through and including 6th Grade  $50  TBA  TBA


Cash Prize (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
Youth Artist Senior  $300, $200, $150
 Youth Artist Junior  $200, $150, $100
 Youth Artist Elementary  $150, $100, $50

Youth Artist Senior

(through & including 12th grade)

12-minute program

  • TBA
  • Contrasting movement(s)/work(s)

Time limits exclude any time between pieces or movements. The program should include pieces in a variety of diverse styles and periods. 

This may include single movements of works, sonatas, and unaccompanied pieces. It is not necessary to perform all movements of a single work. An individual movement of a work needs to be performed in its entirety, but cuts may be made in the accompaniment and repeats may be deleted. 

Accompanied pieces must be performed with the accompaniment.

Grade Level  Entry Fee Competition Date  Cash Prize (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
 Youth Artist Senior Through and including 12th Grade $50


 $300, $200, $150

Youth Artist Junior

(through & including 9th grade)

10-minute program

  •  TBA
  • Contrasting movement(s)/work(s)

Time limits exclude any time between pieces or movements. The program should include pieces in a variety of diverse styles and periods. 

This may include single movements of works, sonatas, and unaccompanied pieces. It is not necessary to perform all movements of a single work. An individual movement of a work needs to be performed in its entirety, but cuts may be made in the accompaniment and repeats may be deleted. 

Accompanied pieces must be performed with the accompaniment.

Grade Level  Entry Fee Competition Date  Cash Prize (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
 Youth Artist Junior Through and including 9th Grade $50


 $200, $150, $100

Youth Artist Elementary

(through & including 6th grade)

8-minute program

  • TBA
  • Contrasting movement(s)/work(s)

Time limits exclude any time between pieces or movements. The program should include pieces in a variety of diverse styles and periods. 

This may include single movements of works, sonatas, and unaccompanied pieces. It is not necessary to perform all movements of a single work. An individual movement of a work needs to be performed in its entirety, but cuts may be made in the accompaniment and repeats may be deleted. 

Accompanied pieces must be performed with the accompaniment.

Grade Level   Entry Fee  Competition Date  Cash Prize (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
 Youth Artist Elementary  Through and including 6th Grade  $50


 $150, $100, $50

*We are not able to guarantee personal scheduling accommodations. No refunds available for competition registration fees.

Should you have any questions or require further information, feel free to contact SDFG Competition Coordinator at competitions@sandiegofluteguild.org.

Contact Us: info@sandiegofluteguild.org

San Diego Flute Guild is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization.  © 2022

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